

教学 and learning depend on building and sustaining student interest…


All Simpson syllabi are supposed to include information about contact…


I just learned about a free online tool you could…


What Learning Activities Help Student 退伍军人 Succeed? TG反波胆app最新版下载有……

Video: Getting Students to Read Before Class

Do I Get Students to Read the Assignments Before Class?…


One of my favorite blogs, FreeTech4Teachers, recently shared materials about…

在线 Peer Review with the Workshop Tool

The Workshop tool provides you with the ability to have…


How Can I Promote Deep Learning through Critical Reflection? 最后……

Adding Campus 事件 to Your Personal Calendar

Faculty development and forum both offer lots of events that…

Q & 学者论坛

学者 has a variety of different types of discussion forums.…


I’m currently teaching a TG反波胆app最新版下载讨论会 course, and my students…

Video: Deep, Lasting Student Learning

How Can I Promote Deep, Lasting Student Learning? 琳达Suskie……

Video: Increasing Class Participation

I often hear faculty say that they wish they could get…


YouTube has numerous videos worth showing in class; however, the…

Inclusive 教学: Financial Award Available

The faculty development office would like to encourage you to…

Grading Assignments with a Marking Guide on 学者

Did you know that 学者 assignments can be graded with…


What Can I Do about Feeling Tired, Stressed, and Burned…

学者 Gradebook: Dropping Lowest Grade

Someone recently asked me whether 学者 can drop the lowest…


Angelo and Cross (1993) describe 50 different classroom assessment techniques…

Video: Feedback to Improve Student Writing

How Do I 给 Feedback that Improves Student Writing? 玛丽莲……


One interesting way of helping students analyze drafts of their…

Kaizena: Providing Digital Feedback on Papers

I recently discovered a useful, free tool for giving students…

Video: Creating Engaging Threaded 讨论

How Do I Create Engaging Threaded Discussion Questions? 一个正确…

Active Learning: Six Concrete Examples

Active learning involves getting students doing things in class.  许多……


‘Everyday Racism’ is “a unique educational game that will challenge…

Video: Making Exams about Learning Rather than Grades

How Can I Make My Exams about Learning, Less about…

MERLOT II: Finding 在线 资源

MERLOT II is a searchable collection of online resources you…


This weekend I offered a session on teaching with an…

Video: 教学 Students with Asperger’s Disorder

What Do I Do if I Suspect a Student Has…


Using Simpson’s Spam Filter Junk Mail is a folder within…

学者 Tip: Viewing Individual Student’s Forum Posts

Even though Simpson has been running version 2 of 学者…

Video: Creating Effective Mini-Lectures

How Can I Create Effective Mini-Lectures With its balanced blend…

Video: Blended Learning – What to Put 在线

In Blended Courses, What Should Students Do 在线? A 2009…

Video: Making Students Responsible for Learning

Learner-Centered 教学 – Where Should I Start? 你有兴趣…


Because I am using a group project in one of…

学者 Tip: Adding Headings and Text

Could you 学者 site benefit from a little more organization…

Video: Discussing Academic Integrity on the First Day of Class

How Do I Discuss Academic Integrity During the First Class?…

Video: Capturing Students’ Interest

How Can I Capture Students’ Interest in the First 5…

学者 Tip: Add Multiple Files in Just One Step

Did you know that you don’t need to click “+Add…