Watermark Student App

formerly Aviso Student

The Watermark Student app provides students easy access to many of the features the platform provides for student users. Students can download the app from the respective app stores:

Students who download and use the app should ensure notifications are turned on. Pop-up notifications alert students to messages received when a message sent through the platform (rather than Outlook). 

Students can also schedule meetings through the app for those who have set up a meeting schedule in Watermark. For information regarding meetings set up, please review the Meetings how to guide.

During the 2022 SOAR sessions, new students were invited to download the app. They will be reminded during the CARs Foundations sessions in the fall semester.

Returning students received an email on 8.25.22 advising them of the app and a how to guide for the app and the web interface was attached. That attachment is available below.

How to Guide: Watermark Student app and browser interface overview.