Preparing for Admission to Medical School

Admission to medical school requires course work aimed at preparation for the MCAT and at fulfilling the requirements for admission to U.S. 医学院校. The courses that are highly recommended for preparation for the Medical College 招生 Test (the MCAT) are:

生物科学: Principles of Biology BIOL110 and BIOL111; recommended:  upper level courses such as Human Physiology BIOL225, 微生物学BIOL251, 基础遗传学BIOL270, 细胞生物学, 分子遗传学bio360.

化学: CHEM101 and 102; Organic 化学 CHEM 201 and 202 (4 semesters).

生物化学: CHEM330

物理: Principles of 物理 PHYS 151 and 152 (2 semesters)

英语或说明文写作2个学期. This requirement can often be fulfilled by Written Communication (WC) courses that emphasize composition and literature.

数学: an advanced college mathematics course: MATH 130/131, 151

统计课程: PSYC215, SOC210 (both have prerequisites), BIOL135.

心理学: PSYC101

社会学: SOC101

Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences至少4门课程, can include above listed psychology and sociology courses in addition to courses that encourage a greater appreciation for diversity and cultural competency (Simpson’s Engaged Citizenship Curriculum components such as DP, EV, GP, HP, AR, CE和IC; 课程).

Take all prerequisite courses for a grade. You do not have to take all prerequisite courses at Simpson. Non-Simpson课程, 然而, must be taken at an accredited institution for a grade and you will later need to provide a transcript when you apply. These courses do not need to be transferred to Simpson.

Note: The courses listed above satisfy most of the admissions requirements at U.S. 医学院校.  然而, each school may not require all of these and schools may require additional courses. 最终, it is the responsibility of the applicant to know the exact requirements and deadlines for each school to which they apply. It is to your advantage to major in a specific discipline. Majoring in one of the natural sciences is not necessary since the 医学院校 recognize the value of a diverse, 受过广泛教育的学生. If you choose not to major in one of the natural sciences, you may wish to include one or two additional science electives in your program of study if your schedule permits.

The MCAT is based on the biology, chemistry, physics courses psychology and sociology listed above. 因此, you will probably be best prepared for the MCAT shortly after you have completed the course work. Work with your advisor on a 4 year plan that includes a timeline for completion of courses that cover content tested on MCAT as well as significant time to formally prepare for ( )并参加MCAT考试. The MCAT is computer-based and is administered approximately 20 times per year. Results of the MCAT are not available until approximately 30 days after it is taken. One schedule is to plan to take the MCAT during the spring term of the junior year, planning to enter medical school in the fall following graduation. 然而, 完全可以接受, as far as the 医学院校 are concerned, to apply for admission for later years and therefore take the MCAT spring term of the senior year or later. This may permit you to arrange your courses in a more logical manner if you are not a science major, 利用校外项目, or to take part in other uniquely undergraduate opportunities.

当你申请医学院的时候, your GPA in the science and mathematics courses will be computed separately from your overall GPA.  It is therefore important to produce excellent work in each course taken.

For further information consult the book entitled MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS (commonly referred to as “The MSAR”) for purchase online from the AAMC at http://www.对象为.org/students/applying/requirements/msar/

Course Preparation for Admission to Other Pre Health Professions

牙科事业, 医师助理, 验光, 药店, 公共卫生, 足部医疗, 物理治疗, 体育训练, 职业治疗, Veterinary and Chiropractic Medicine all require advanced degrees. Each of these programs have unique admission requirements and/or entrance exams (GRE, 燕麦, DAT, PCAT等.). 最终, it is the responsibility of the applicant to know the exact requirements and deadlines for each school to which they apply.